Sunday, September 23, 2018

Saturday 22nd September
Normally the wind gets up in the afternoon in Western Australia but it was up by 6am this morning plus it was cold and overcast. Which way was the wind blowing? Right in my face from the West of course! I was feeling very sorry for myself as it was 15 to 20 mph and making decent headway was hard and tiring. I even had to drop to the small ring for the first time on the trip getting up one undulation with a really strong spell of wind. I was stopped by a big hairy man controlling traffic at some roadworks. He asked me why I was putting myself through this. I couldn’t work that one out myself.
After 60km I could see what looked like a traffic cone in the distance but it moved position in the road and I realized it was a pair of cyclists in orange jerseys. That chase was on! It took a good half hour but I gradually caught them up. They were from an organized ride with 15 spread out participants from Perth to Sydney then going to New Zealand and not finishing until November! Had a chat for a while and it was nice to know others were suffering in the headwind too. I left them behind as I was off to try some birdwatching later so time was tight. They were going to have a day off the next day then will be doing some shorter days than me, so I doubt I’ll see them again.
The trip today was from a spot 50 km east of Ravensthorpe and then nearly to Esperance before taking a cut off and heading north to out motel at Gibson’s Soak. When I turned north I lost the headwind and could enjoy the last 10 km or so in the sunshine. Well enjoy it apart from the regular mobbing by nesting Australian Magpies that were a little tiresome. Presumably they felt the same about me. Mandy saw a lady cyclist from the group ride who had sticks in her helmet to fend them off!
Arrived at the rather rundown motel and then went back to Esperance to a lake which was supposed to hold a bird we wanted. If it did, it was hiding well. Town was deserted as there was an important Aussie Rules Football final on. Had lasagna in Italian place that had wi-fi but not enough umph to update the blog! Infuriating country.
142 km today in 5 hours 24 minutes – an average of 25.5km. Total so far 743km

 A truck gives Chris a wide berth as most of them thankfully do.
 Our lunchstop
 We've seen lots of these signs but have yet to see a Kangaroo jumping over a cow.
I'm not the only fool on a bike. I caught these guys up. They were Aussies on an organised trip for 15 cycling Perth to Sydney then onto New Zealand and at a much more relaxed pace than I have allowed myself. They are out there until November!

Insect repellent is essential equipment at the lake we have been hurrying to visit near Esperance. Shame the birds did not show up too.

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