Saturday, October 13, 2018

Saturday 13th October - Balranald to Hay. On the drops, teeth gritted.

Saturday 13th October
Spray was a first for the trip!

Unfortunately the pot of gold was back the way we'd come.

I sure hope the estate agent gets them to change the name if they want to sell it.

A power nap after lunch in the support car.

My day in one picture. That's me on the left at the point the road disappears.

A simple ride today. A flat ride of only 133 km all on the A20 Sturt Highway in a roughly easterly direction. A simple innocuous line on a map rendered awful by the relentless strong headwind.
A lot of the ride was over a treeless salt bush area not unlike the Nullabor Plain. The only feature was the lack of features.
The day started off with showers, most of which missed me but a bit of rain got me and then I took shelter in the car for a long lunch to avoid a heavier downpour.
After lunch it was down to hard work again, simply plodding along at 22 kph avoiding the rougher parts of the hard shoulder and the road. We get to the small town of Hay in midafternoon and so I summon up the strength to carry on for another 20 kilometres to reduce the ride length tomorrow. The wind continues this afternoon and is due to be the same tomorrow. It will stop sometime but not until after the middle of next week they say.

153.29 km today in 6 hours 57 minutes – an average of 22.0 kph. Total so far 3459.84 km

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris, I'd meant to look at your blog sooner but finally remembered about it this evening. It seems like very hard work to me ! - but being able to do a bit of bird watching as well is good - so not just on the bike all the time. Good luck for the rest of your marathon. Peter
