Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sunday 16th September- I start the cycle and Mandy changes cars.
Up early and pack up. Tyre dropped 3 psi so call the roadside assistance we’ve luckily paid for. They come out and find a nail in tyre. Change to spare for us but no tyre repair places open on Sunday (bad planning!) We do the traditional start pictures on the beach with wheel of bike in the Indian Ocean before I set off through the suburbs to Armadale then down the Albany Highway to the south east. Mandy to go back to see if Hertz have a wheel of a similar car.
I’m wearing reflective arm covers but it is cold enough to enjoy them as arm warmers as it is cool & windy but sunny. Started the climb up onto the Darling Ranges. They are taller than the Cotswolds but the gradient is very gentle, so I could stay on the big ring. Caught up an Aussie out for his Sunday ride on a Scott bike like mine, with over 120 km done for him. Well that was his excuse for hi going slower than me! Must have been cold when he started. Chatted for a bit and he warned about granular, “grippy” road surface ahead and the big trucks. Not too many of the latter but the surface was rough on the arms and wrists. He was going a bit slowly for me so I said good bye and set off on my own.
Cycled a total of 96km to reach the Threeways Roadhouse where I was due to meet Mandy. I beat her there and order fish and chips but settle for water from my bottle to drink as the coke was over £5 a can! Mandy turns up in a different, slightly snazzier Kia Sportage given by Herz rather than change or fix the wheel. After I eat I decide to do another 30 km or so to reduce tomorrows ride and Mandy picks me up near a place called Wandering and we drive to our wilderness cabin in Dryandra Woodlands where we’ll stay for three nights. Arrive at dusk and check into our one roomed cabin. It’s like a kitchen with a double bed in it! Do a night drive and see Kangaroos which operate night and day but nothing else seen.
I’d forgotten to turn Strava on for first 36km and then phone died just before the pick up. I’d intended to use all trip but may not do so as want phone for photos and emergencies.

Starting on the Beach by the Indian Ocean

About to leave hire car number 1 

Our home for three nights - bedsit land in the forest!

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