Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Perth to Sydney. Cycling, Aged Sixty

When I was planning to ride across the United States a couple of years ago Keith, who rode it with me, tried to persuade me that it would be a good idea to ride across Australia next. I thought his idea was mad and after we'd done the USA trip, he thought it was too! Over the next year, though, with no particular cycling challenge planned, the idea began to appeal to me.
On a bird watching trip to the area to the south or Perth in late 2017 I was able to see that the roads were not as intimidating as I'd expected and further investigation on Streetview suggested that the route across the country was possible on a road bike, with my wife driving support.
After a busy late 2017 and first half of this year preparing for GDPR at work I ended up with a lot of days off in lieu and leave to take in the second half of the year. My colleagues and boss kindly agreed to let me take a lot of time off in one block to give enough time for 30 cycling days to cover the 2560 miles and spare days along the way to time off to cover bad weather, sickness/injury or hopefully just bird watching. The trip was on..........